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Партизани Квислинзи ! Фотографије

Не верујете ваљда да је један Клугман одредио судбину Југославије?

Удар нађе искру у камену / без њега би у кам очајала!

(14-04-2017, 11:35 AM)Chicot Пише:  ТО је исто глупост, јер су најважније диверзије крајем године извршили заправо италијански партизани на граници Италије и Словеније. Било је много ситних саботажа додуше, око Загреба и Љубљане, али пруге су ретко рушене, а и кад јесу, застој је био свега неколико сати.

Најважнији мост који је срушен на тој линији је чиста СОЕ акција, а не партизанска
Који је то мост, и које су то акције?

Британци нису ни имали у то време стратешки интерес у Србији јер је цео источни део бивше Југославије у договору са Стаљином на конференцији у Техерану припао Совјетској сфери интереса док су Западни крајеви Југославије,тј. западно од Дрине потпали нормално под Британску и Америчку сферу интереса.Значи да су у суштини Совјети тј. Стаљин, саучесници Западних савезника у уништењу покрета Драже Михаиловића.Нису Британци одлучивали сами о судбини Југославије,напротив главни су Совјети и Амери исто и данас.Брити не прттди,како кажу Руске дипломате данас.Сад што су им Совјети дозволили да бомбардују Српске градове 1944. то је сасвим друго питање.Главни циљ и једних и других је било уништење Немачких снага,ту су Руси прогледали кроз прсте Западним Савезницима да неби они окрвавали руке над Православном Српском браћом.Да ли је морало тако да буде није ми јасно ,ако може неко да ми помогне да разгонетнем енигму зашто су нас бомбардовали 1944?

Британци нису ни имали у то време стратешки интерес у Србији јер је цео источни део бивше Југославије у договору са Стаљином на конференцији у Техерану припао Совјетској сфери интереса док су Западни крајеви Југославије,тј. западно од Дрине потпали нормално под Британску и Америчку сферу интереса.

Ја мислим да си залутао!
Где је била њихова најглавна ”станица” безбедности у регије?

Нису Британци одлучивали сами о судбини Југославије,напротив главни су Совјети и Амери исто и данас.Брити не прттди,како кажу Руске дипломате данас.Сад што су им Совјети дозволили да бомбардују Српске градове 1944.
Мислим да је Принц Павле и та влада помогао са оружавање Хрвате
Па енглези су тотално обукавалих КОМУНИСТЕ ТВЗ ПАРТИЗАНИ.....ТАЧКА!
енглези/американци су били ваздухоплоства КОМУНИСТЕ ТВЗ ПАРТИЗАН, где су еклсуивно напали положај Војске Краљевине.
енглези су исто били тенковска песница против Војске Краљевине у Српској Крајини
енглези су покушали да регрутују у Србији Царско Руско игњанство да се супроставе СОВИЈИТИ
ЈУГОСЛАВИЈЕ...ТАЧКА! Чак и оно што су примали СОВИЈИТИ, зашто што су им намерно слали!

Ако су енглези имали своје људе на обе стране Шпанске револуције....будите уверени да су имали своје људи у тим фашиштичке и КОМУНИСТИЧКЕ покрет, из њене концепције, и на сви страна.

Па ако нису бомбадовали.....КОМУНИСТИ били имали велика посла.....и Војске Краљевине бих саћекала СОВИЈИТИ уместо КОМУНИСТЕ!

ЈУГОСЛАВИЈЕ...ТАЧКА! Чак и оно што су примали СОВИЈИТИ, зашто што су им намерно слали!

(14-04-2017, 10:52 PM)ватхра Пише:  
(14-04-2017, 11:35 AM)Chicot Пише:  ТО је исто глупост, јер су најважније диверзије крајем године извршили заправо италијански партизани на граници Италије и Словеније. Било је много ситних саботажа додуше, око Загреба и Љубљане, али пруге су ретко рушене, а и кад јесу, застој је био свега неколико сати.

Најважнији мост који је срушен на тој линији је чиста СОЕ акција, а не партизанска
Који је то мост, и које су то акције?

На Википедији све пише,овде једини ја пишем из главе изгледа.

(15-04-2017, 06:40 PM)Прст_у_ока_латиници Пише:  Британци нису ни имали у то време стратешки интерес у Србији јер је цео источни део бивше Југославије у договору са Стаљином на конференцији у Техерану припао Совјетској сфери интереса док су Западни крајеви Југославије,тј. западно од Дрине потпали нормално под Британску и Америчку сферу интереса.Значи да су у суштини Совјети тј. Стаљин, саучесници Западних савезника у уништењу покрета Драже Михаиловића.Нису Британци одлучивали сами о судбини Југославије,напротив главни су Совјети и Амери исто и данас.Брити не прттди,како кажу Руске дипломате данас.Сад што су им Совјети дозволили да бомбардују Српске градове 1944. то је сасвим друго питање.Главни циљ и једних и других је било уништење Немачких снага,ту су Руси прогледали кроз прсте Западним Савезницима да неби они окрвавали руке над Православном Српском браћом.Да ли је морало тако да буде није ми јасно ,ако може неко да ми помогне да разгонетнем енигму зашто су нас бомбардовали 1944?

Британци нису ни имали у то време стратешки интерес у Србији јер је цео источни део бивше Југославије у договору са Стаљином на конференцији у Техерану припао Совјетској сфери интереса док су Западни крајеви Југославије,тј. западно од Дрине потпали нормално под Британску и Америчку сферу интереса.

Ја мислим да си залутао!
Где је била њихова најглавна ”станица” безбедности у регије?

Нису Британци одлучивали сами о судбини Југославије,напротив главни су Совјети и Амери исто и данас.Брити не прттди,како кажу Руске дипломате данас.Сад што су им Совјети дозволили да бомбардују Српске градове 1944.
Мислим да је Принц Павле и та влада помогао са оружавање Хрвате
Па енглези су тотално обукавалих КОМУНИСТЕ ТВЗ ПАРТИЗАНИ.....ТАЧКА!
енглези/американци су били ваздухоплоства КОМУНИСТЕ ТВЗ ПАРТИЗАН, где су еклсуивно напали положај Војске Краљевине.
енглези су исто били тенковска песница против Војске Краљевине у Српској Крајини
енглези су покушали да регрутују у Србији Царско Руско игњанство да се супроставе СОВИЈИТИ
ЈУГОСЛАВИЈЕ...ТАЧКА! Чак и оно што су примали СОВИЈИТИ, зашто што су им намерно слали!

Ако су енглези имали своје људе на обе стране Шпанске револуције....будите уверени да су имали своје људи у тим фашиштичке и КОМУНИСТИЧКЕ покрет, из њене концепције, и на сви страна.

Па ако нису бомбадовали.....КОМУНИСТИ били имали велика посла.....и Војске Краљевине бих саћекала СОВИЈИТИ уместо КОМУНИСТЕ!

ЈУГОСЛАВИЈЕ...ТАЧКА! Чак и оно што су примали СОВИЈИТИ, зашто што су им намерно слали!

Пиши лепо,да може да се прочита.Војска Краљевине би дочекала Совјете?Дочекали су их у неким градовима и шта је било после?

Па увек ћеш имати некога ко ће да бацива прашину!

Сада је хит прича на интернету да су Руси 1995. пред олују наоружавали Хрвате ракетним Системом С-300 итд.А то што нам Руси у данашње време сваки пут пошаљу Новогодишњу честитку типа враћајте нам паре у року од 2. сата, то нема везе са братсвом као и издаја Карађорђа и његових устаника, када су склопили мир са Турцима,као због Наполеона а Турци нас после поклаше ко никад, довлачећи војску са Руског фронта.

(15-04-2017, 07:10 PM)Pravda Пише:  Сада је хит прича на интернету да су Руси 1995. пред олују наоружавали Хрвате ракетним Системом С-300 итд.А то што нам Руси у данашње време сваки пут пошаљу Новогодишњу честитку типа враћајте нам паре у року од 2. сата, то нема везе са братсвом као и издаја Карађорђа и његових устаника, када су склопили мир са Турцима,као због Наполеона а Турци нас после поклаше ко никад, довлачећи војску са Руског фронта.

Колико је познато по тадашњим извештајима новинским тај систем је у Хрватску ушао из Украјине. Друго, након слома СССР у Русији и осталим СССР-републикама није купио оружје само ко није хтео. Значи, назнака је на купио. Никоме ништа није дато гратис. А могло је да се купи што на црно, што на бело.

Што се тиче, Карађорђа и устанка. Русија је миром у Букурешту тачку 12. тог споразума договорила тако да се узму у обзир и српски интереси. На штету Срба је ишло то што су морали да сруше Делиград и још нека утврђења, као и да пусте турску војску у градове. Међутим, као што је позато Русија овај договор није направила добре воље, него притиснута Напоелоном, који је као што је познато тада заузео и Москву (Хитлер то рецимо није успео).

Срби су овај споразум одбацили и устанак је пропао, али не само руском кривицом, него пре свега због унутрашњих сукоба међу вођама устанка. Карађорђе је предлагао да се поруше утврђења и да се устаници повуку у планине и ратују четнички јер је сматрао да ће турска војска да се распе чим наступи зима (што се и десило). Међутим на састанку Совјета овај начин одбране Србије је одбачен, а пристало се на фронтовски рат (предлог министра војног Младена Миловановића) и то се завршило како се завршило. Након тога поново смо имали турску војску у градовима, порушена утврђења и терор над Србима. Да се пристало на Букурештански мир имали би све ово само без терора, а као што смо видели Милош је касније доста лако потиснуо ову турску војску из градова. Не треба заборавити да је већ крајем 1913. Русија сломила Напоелона и да би након тога поново могла да се више посвети Балкану.
Заборавља се нпр. да је 1830. Турска дозволила Србији устав (практично одлучујучи корак ка незавишношћу) након великог дипломатског притиска Русије, као и да је устанак већ 1809. већ био осуђен на пропаст (опет због унутрашњих размерица између Добрњца, Хајдук Вељка и Миленко Стајковића са једне стране, те Младена Миловановића с друге стране) и да је пад Београда спречен само интервенцијом руске војске. То Србе није дозвало памети и онда се десила 1813.

Значи, пре него што се почне нешто писати, ваљало би то добро простудирати.

Исто тако су нам много помогли и 1999. Наравно не њиховом кривицом смо изгубили Косово него међусобним трвењем.Не треба да се студира нешто што је просто ко пасуљ ,да би се изнео закључак.

(15-04-2017, 10:49 PM)Pravda Пише:  Исто тако су нам много помогли и 1999. Наравно не њиховом кривицом смо изгубили Косово него међусобним трвењем.Не треба да се студира нешто што је просто ко пасуљ ,да би се изнео закључак.
Тако је! Доле студирање! Доле учење! Доле наука! Smile

Да се мало вратимо на теми.....и мало озбилна мисљење
Ја сам овде рекао на форум раније.
Да се треба разумете да СОЕ је само једна возила према остварање циљ, а то чак знаћи жртовање сви људи у СОЕ, ако је потребно за победу.
Али Врх војне интелигенције надмашује СОЕ, ко је само њени инструмент.

Тако циљеве војне интелигенција могу да буду сасвим супротног од оне сарадничке од СОЕ. и то се можда невиди до деценије касније.....или је само једна наслагана тачка у један процес.....што је актуелан и данас.......а међу времено жртована су Косово и Метохије, Крајине, део Босне....а верујем овај процес се само наставља!

И то се буквално десило свим тим СОЕ војнике ко су били у везима са Војске Краљевине, а да не говоримо да је Војска Краљевина била тотално жртва политике енглеске војне интелигенције уместо СОЕ, ко је накрају инструмант за остваривање циљ.

Само требаш да гледаш у наоружавање војске Краљевине, чак било бих занимљиво да се види колико су помоч наоружање, логистике, опреме, помоч добили КОМУНИСТИЧКИ ПАРТИЗАНИ према сви осталих група ко су учестовали против немце у целој европи у другог светског рата.

Да не дрвим од војне савет....кад ти знаш све положаја Краљевске и држиш комуникацирске везе, мислим да је мало лакше се формулираш стратегију како ће да их победиш.

А ја мисли да је кључ било у убеђивање СОВИЈИТИ, да сарађују са КОМУНИСТИ уместо са Војска Краљевине, ЕНГЛЕЗИ СУ ИЗМИШЛИЛИ ТУ КВИЗЛИНСКУ ПРИЧУ....ТАЧКА!

Ако нису није било пучисти, у оделење безбедности у војску Краљевине Југославија ко је дирекно сарађивала са енглески обавештајце. Ко су намерно униставали своје инфаструктуре, да спреће пловидбе матријала Немачке пре рата.......исти обавештајце су веч имали везу са КОМУНИСТЕ ОНДА, И ТО ПРЕКО СТУДЕНТСКЕ ВЕЗЕ...ТАКО НИЈЕ БИЛО ПУЧИСТИ БИЛИ БИХ КОМУНИСТЕ ПОНОВО СА ЕНГЛЕСКОМ ПОДРШКОМ! Ако су били припремљени да убију Краља, да оставрају своје циљеви онда. Били су инстринсичних у Болшевичке Револуције, омогућавање КОМУНИСТИ средтсва да изађу из Москви.......инаће та Комунистичка револуција бих остала у Москви.

Али што је овде важно је да се види јели КОМУНИСТИ имали више КОМУНИКАЦИЈЕ СА СОВИЈИТИ ИЛИ СА ЕНГЛЕЗИМА!

(16-04-2017, 11:10 AM)Милослав Самарџић Пише:  
(15-04-2017, 10:49 PM)Pravda Пише:  Исто тако су нам много помогли и 1999. Наравно не њиховом кривицом смо изгубили Косово него међусобним трвењем.Не треба да се студира нешто што је просто ко пасуљ ,да би се изнео закључак.
Тако је! Доле студирање! Доле учење! Доле наука! Smile
Да додам на овај Велики Хришћански празник:Доле Интелектуална Бирократија и доле Интелектуална Корупција.Smile

storing the Historical Truth
The West’s Long War Against Serbia and The Paradox of Yugoslav History

That these deception operations are little known or publicly debated is a mark of their success. Though covert operations often produce spectacular results, one of their essential qualities is that the origins of the events remain secret – that the historical credit or blame falls on the innocent, on people acting independently, or even better, on mere chance. The very fact that a covert operation is known to have been run by an intelligence agency marks it as a significant failure.
From Desperate Deception, British Covert Operations in the United States 1939- 1944, by Thomas E. Mahl

The West’s Long War against Serbia is a history of the grandest deception of World War Two and a vast international post war open conspiracy of Great Britain, the Vatican, United States, Germany, and the rest of the West to cover up the most savage genocide in modern history. A project so important that Winston Churchill initiated it and personally oversaw its operation.

Who control the past controls the future, who controls the present controls the past
George Orwell, author of Animal Farm and 1984

As George Orwell advised us, who controls the future controls the past, who controls the present controls the past. And no country’s past in the modern era has been more controlled, concocted, and propagandized than Yugoslavia and Serbia. The accepted history of Yugoslavia was authored by the British, both governmental and institutional authors and their Titoist allies in Yugoslavia. The immediate purposes of this false history was straightforward – obscure and cover up the history of the Roman Catholic Church inspired Serbian Holocaust, in which 700,000 to 1,000,000 Serbs, Jews, and Romas were murdered in the most psychopathic manner ever recorded. These casualty figures do not include more hundreds of thousands of Serbs killed in the British inspired civil war that served as their mechanism for covering up the Serbian Holocaust. The ultimate purposes of the false history was to save the Roman Catholic Church for the Cold War, a war the British were planning early on as the Second World War played out.

At the appointed hour, a bearlike, rumpled –looking man is a gray suit, whose unfamiliar face would have caused few people on earth to take a second glance, was ushered into the pope’s modest office in the Vatican. A fervent Catholic who attended mass almost every day, a man whose house was filled with statues of the Virgin Mary, a believer who would soon be engaged in prayerful contemplation with the pope himself, William Casey, the director of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, had arrived on a distinctly earthy mission… These two men, one hailed by millions as the prince of light, the other derided by many as the prince of darkness (including this author as William Casey, the fervent Catholic was the key American official in the Ratlines operation that saw the Vatican with British and American intelligence help smuggled tens of thousands of war criminals out of Europe after World War II) would meet perhaps a half dozen more times before communism would crumble first in the pope’s beloved Poland, then in Eastern Europe, and finally the Soviet Union itself… Casey and his patron Ronald Reagan, had come to believe that there was a potential third superpower in the world – the twenty- square- block Vatican city state – and that its monarch, Pope John Paul II, had at his command a remarkable arsenal of unconventional weapons that might help tip the balance in the Cold War, especially with overt and covert help from the United States.

“How may divisions has the pope?” Stalin had asked contemptuously during World War II. To this question the answer would soon be given, one that would leave the Politburo of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics deeply surprised and vexed. In Washington, Reagan and Casey had discussed the possibility of “breaking Poland out of the Soviet orbit”, with help from the Holy Father.
From His Holiness – John Paul II and the Hidden History of Our Time, by Carl Bernstein and Marco Politi

We all know now how the US/UK/Vatican alliance won the Cold War, but you can be assured that the British, having managed a world empire for centuries, were decades ahead of US strategic thinking, already aware in late 1941 that they had to save the Serbian blood stained Catholic Church for the coming Cold War.

This is the well spring for the West’s fearing, loathing, and hatred of Serbia and everything connected to Serbian ethnic identity – the Truth of the Serbian Holocaust. What have the Serbs done to deserve such treatment – assaults in every way imaginable – economic, political, propaganda, and military? The West did not treat the Germans as badly after World War II in which 50 million people died nor did the West treat the Soviets, the Arabs, or any other enemy as cruelly as they have the Serbs. And then consider that Serbia was the US and UK staunchest ally in both World Wars, such that the flag of Serbia flew over the US Capitol on June 28, 1918 in appreciation for the super human efforts and sacrifices Serbia made in the First World War. This is the answer to this seemingly paradox of Serbian history. Destroy Serbia, by destroying the World War II Serbian Orthodox resistance movement of Draza Mihailovic. This is precisely the mechanism the British used to save the Catholic Church.

The most important and traumatic event in Serbia’s modern history is one very few Serbs openly talk about and no one in the West wants to hear, and yet it is the root cause of all the troubles that have plagued the former Yugoslavia for the past 25 years. Psychiatrists often use a phrase, “the 800lb gorilla in the living room” to describe an abusive family relationship in which an alcoholic father terrorizes a family with violence and cruelty. However, the family, out of fear, misplaced shame, guilt, and exhaustion covers up the abuse so that everything appears somewhat normal to the outside world. The Serbs have had an “800lb gorilla” in their house for the last 70 years. An event so traumatic and important to Serbs that the effort of the abusers to make everything appear to be “normal” has been the inspiration for a 70 year long effort to destroy Serbian history, cultural, and their ethnic identity. The event that no one dare speak of, Serbia’s 800lb gorilla goes by many names – the Serbian Holocaust, the Vatican’s Holocaust, the Vatican’s Auschwitz, Genocide in the Independent State of Croatia, and perhaps the most accurate name – the Unknown Holocaust.

The central question, to those who are willing to answer this great paradox (the most important event in modern Serb history and yet for all practical purposes Serbs do not speak of it to the outside world) is, “How is it that the Spanish Inquisition is still well know by the world’s general public even though it happened five hundred years ago and its death toll (100,000) was just a fraction of the Catholic Church inspired Serbian Holocaust (750,000 – 1,000,000) and yet the Serbian Holocaust, which happened in the age of mass communication and the living memory of millions of people, is virtually unknown outside of Serbia? The answer is easy and clear to anyone brave enough to say it. The British, the Americans, the Vatican, the rest of the West wanted it that way. Collectively they had the power to change regimes (Tito), the power to intimidate the survivors, the money to corrupt and buy silence, and a mass media that practiced self censorship.

The West’s 70 year long war against Serbia began as the winners and losers of World War II became obvious by late 1942 – early 1943, when the British realized that a Soviet victory was a certainty and that the post war political landscape of Europe would see the Red Army occupying much of Catholic Europe. Thus began the largest covert intelligence operation in WW II history – destroy an entire nation of innocent witnesses to history greatest crime. Because of the crime’s magnitude and the ultimate guilty party, the Roman Catholic Church, deception became the strategy for the cover up. Make the actually guilty (fanatic Catholics and Muslims) nameless, make the real victims (Orthodox Serbs) guilty.

“It is an irony of history that Tito should have been the creation of the capitalist democracies of Great Britain and the United States. His movement, even at its height, was a minority that had won itself the active hostility of the mass of Serbs, Croats, and Slovene peoples. By arming the movement, by providing it with the services of the BBC and American radio, by converting the democratic press into a propaganda agent for it, by sending Allied officers into Yugoslavia to be used as propaganda exhibits in its recruiting efforts, and finally cloaking it in their own enormous moral authority, Great Britain and the United States made themselves directly responsible for Tito’s rise to power.”
From Web of Disinformation, Churchill’s Yugoslav Blunder, by David Martin.

Yes, the decisive role of the Great Britain and the United States in bringing Tito to power in Yugoslavia is universally acknowledged, but was British and American support for Tito a blunder or a mistake as David Martin and many Serbs believe or was it the oldest strategy of warfare – the enemy of my enemy is my friend?

“Military deception was as old as warfare itself, but it is doubtful whether any military command ever employed deception as a fundamental tool of strategic planning as completely and rigorously as the British did during World War II”. General Eisenhower aptly concluded, “they (the British) resorted to every type of subterfuge”.
From Deceiving the Deceivers, by Samuel J. Hamrick

It was Gen. Eisenhower who insisted that Draza Mihailovic receive America’s Legion of Merit, its highest foreign recipient military award.

In A Genius for Deception: How Cunning Helped the British Win Two World Wars, Nicholas Rankin offers a lively and comprehensive history of how Britain bluffed, tricked, and spied its way to victory in two world wars. As he shows, a coherent program of strategic deception emerged in World War I, resting on the pillars of camouflage, propaganda, secret intelligence, and Special Forces. All forms of deception found an avid sponsor in Winston Churchill, who carried his enthusiasm for deceiving the enemy into World War II.

[President] Roosevelt asked him [Yugoslav Ambassador to the US, Fotic] on December 20, 1941 “How, after such horrible crimes we could expect (the Serbs) to live in the same state with the Croats”. And on an earlier occasion he [Roosevelt] had said, “it would be for the Serbs to decide what sort of community they intended to retain with the Croats after the war”.

Hamilton Fish Armstrong told me [Ambassador Fotic], “We never understood his [Churchill] enthusiasm for Tito and his conviction that he could get Tito away from the Russians”.
From Fall of Yugoslavia, by Ilija Jukic

As US Army Colonel Robert McDowell pointed out, Stalin tried several times from 1942 until early 1944 to have the British send a Soviet mission to Mihailovich and help prevent the war between Chetniks and Paritasns. Molotov told Eden (British Foreign Minister), in November 1943 at the end of the Tehran Conference “I would rather send our mission to Mihailovich than Tito to find out more information on events there”.

In January 1944 General Korneev who was sent as Chief of Soviet mission to Tito, asked Bill Deakin who was sent in May 1943 as the first British mission with Tito, why were the British helping Tito when the Soviets had no confidence in the military worth of the Partisans and consider Mihailovich resistance as the only group of some significance … at the time, Deakin said “I thought Korneev must have believed that we were helping Tito because of some secret political motive”.
From a speech by Nikola R. Pasic May 15, 1993

“According to Edvard Kardelj, prime minister of Yugoslavia under Tito, Stalin exerted pressure on the Partisans “to reach an understanding with the Cetniks at all cost and set up a joint army under the command of Mihailovic”.

In mid 1942, however something strange happened to change Soviet policy towards Yugoslavia. In one way or another supercautious Stalin must have received intelligence that it has become safe to break with Mihailovic without endangering the relationship with Churchill. Indeed, the abrupt and dramatic manner in which the change occurred strongly suggest that the Soviet government must have possessed intelligence leading it to believe, even at that early date, that Churchill could be persuaded on his own to back Tito. Certainly Stalin was in no position and would be in no position before the Red Army entered in Yugoslavia, to assist Tito materially.

It can be taken for granted that one of the factors of Stalin’s decision was the almost irresistible prospect of bringing Soviet power to the shores of the Adriatic, thus achieving the age old Russian dream of access to warm water seas. One would have imagined that an old war horse like Winston Churchill, no admirer of Bolshevism and accustomed to think in strategic terms, would have understood the basic implication of this switch in Soviet policy. But he did not.
FromThe Web of Disinformation Churchill’s Yugoslav Blunder, by David Martin
Poor David Martin and Stalin, they both took the British bait that Churchill supported Tito because his forces were killing more Germans. Stalin, unlike Churchill and Great Britain, who were safe behind the English Channel and the American fleet, really did care about who was killing Germans, as the Soviet Union was suffering devastating losses and enormous causalities in 1941-1942. And who was the source of the phony intelligence that changed Stalin’s mind from supporting Mihailovic to Tito, why none other than the British themselves. And Mr. Martin also wants us to believe that Churchill couldn’t see that he was handing Yugoslavia to the communists. David, that’s exactly what Churchill wanted to do with Yugoslavia – hand it to the communists.

Churchill said to MacLean, “Do you intend to live in Yugoslavia after the war? Maclean answered, “No”. Churchill replied, “ Neither do I, the less you and I worry about the form of Government they set up, the better.”
From Eastern Approaches, by Fitzroy Maclean

It was a win – win for the British. If Tito did as the British expected and followed the pre war anti Serb policies of the Yugoslav Communist Party and let “Brotherhood and Unity” cover up the Serbian Holocaust, then that’s a win. On the other hand, if Tito acted as a true communist, then the British would propagandize that: “look, Tito is a communist attacking the Catholic Church, therefore it’s all just communist propaganda and not to be believed”, another win. However, given Serbia’s WWI contributions to the Allied victory and its WW II, March 27th revolution that stunned the world, and Mihailovic’s early war fame, their world wide acclaim and reservoir of good will would give any Serb charges against the Catholic Church enormous credibility. So, the British needed to prevent a Serbian Orthodox victory at any cost by destroying Mihailovic’s credibility. What really concerned the British as we will see was the world to come after the war. A Serbian pawn would be sacrificed to save the Roman Catholic Queen for the coming chess game of the Cold War.

The above introduction serves as ample illustrations that Yugoslav history in WWII is the most complex, contradictory and paradoxical in modern world history. Just consider the following:

Within WWII Yugoslavia, you find the most fanatic Nazi ally, Catholic Croatia and the most anti Nazi foe, Orthodox Serbia
President Roosevelt supports Draza Mihailovich and the Serbian Orthodox pro Western and democratic Serbian resistance movement while the British support the so called communist Tito.
Stalin supports the Serbian Orthodox Mihailovic until his mind is changed by British deception.
Mihailovich and the Serbian Orthodox resistance fight Nazi Germany when it is at the height of its power, but according to the British start collaborating with the Germans as soon as Germany’s defeat becomes inevitable.
Churchill sends emissaries to Tito who are personally loyal to him, including his son Randolph and his secretary William Deakin, while the British send Col William Bailey to Mihailovich. Bailey’s immediate previous assignment was organizing Croat émigré communists in Canada for guerilla warfare training and insertion into Yugoslavia. While with Mihailovich, Bailey attempts to orchestrate the assassination of Mihailovich.
The British claim that they support Tito because he is more effective at fighting the Germans, yet US General Eisenhower accuses the British of cowardice for refusing to fight the Germans and delaying D Day for nearly two years.
Tito’s is the only communist resistance movement supported by the British. He receives more material aid than all other resistance movements in Europe combined. The much larger (proportionate to the size of their countries) and more effective French and Italian communist movements not only do not receive aid from the British, they are opposed by the British.
US Navy Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Ernest King stops all joint naval operations with the British after the British sabotage the largest supply convoy (Convoy PQ 17) to Russia.
Most of the present day problems in the former Yugoslavia and the catalyst for the wars of the 1990s can trace their roots directly to how Yugoslavia came out of WW II. More specifically, the problem Serbs (both in Serbia and the Diaspora) have faced since WW II is that their history is a lie. The most monstrous lie of the 20th century based on misinformation, half truth, outright fabrications and propaganda, and crafted primarily by the British, the Vatican and the US. Even the so called revisions, such as the “communist mole in British intelligence tricked the British into supporting Tito” are just another British deception, hence a lie based on a lie.

The standard Western reason the British (who were “in charge of” Yugoslavia during the war) have spun for the betrayal of Serbia in WW II was that Tito’s communist Partisans were a more effective fighting force against the Germans than the Serbian Orthodox (Chetnik) resistance. As we will see a bit later, the British really could care less who was killing more Germans or any Germans for that matter in Yugoslavia. However, when the debriefings of Allied intelligence officers were made public, it became clear that the actual and potential military contributions and power of the Serbian Orthodox resistance was of an order of magnitude greater than that of the Partisans. The story that the Serbian Diaspora at least seems to believe is “we (US/UK) were tricked by communist moles into supporting Tito”. The truth is that the “communist mole” story is just another clever deception game (much like the phony weapons of mass destruction line that was used against Iraq and believed by most unquestioning Americans). So, let’s examine the communist mole theory.

US state department official and Cold War espionage researcher Samuel J. Hamrick proves beyond any reasonable doubt that, as the “Boston Globe” tells us in the review of his book, Deceiving the Deceivers, “Philby and his four associates who had been exposed in 1967 for passing top secret information to the Soviets, had in fact been unwitting tools in a disinformation campaign staged by their superiors in British intelligence.” In other words, what the British did was not to expose Philby and company, but rather use them as unwitting accomplices to convey misinformation to the Soviets, hence the title of Hamrick’s book Deceiving the Deceivers. So, in reality, among other things, the Soviets were tricked by the British into believing Tito was a legitimate resistance leader instead of what he really was – a tool of the British. As noted above, Molotov wanted British help (which the British refused) to send a Soviet mission to Mihailovic to gather intelligence and prevent the civil war between Partisans and Chetniks. The Soviets had virtually no contact with Tito for at least three years and were highly suspicious of British involvement with Tito. It was the British who were controlling Tito, not the Soviets.

Further, take the case of James Klugman, the man the British put in charge of the Yugoslav desk in SOE Cairo. Klugman according to the “communist mole theory” was falsifying intelligence coming out of Yugoslavia to bolster the Partisan image and minimize the Chetnik contributions. To be sure, Klugman did do this, but was he a mole? Absolutely not, Klugman was a well known, even flamboyant communist in England for years before the war.

“Klugmann was a hard core communist and Stalinist who had joined the Communist Party of Great Britain in 1933 while still at Cambridge. He was an open and militant communist who wrote the “History of the Communist Party of Great Britain, From Trotsky to Tito”… Klugmann was at the center of a web of disinformation that included members of Special Operations Executive, SOE Cairo, British Secret Intelligence Service, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), and the Political Warfare Executive (PWE).
From an article published in Serbianna.com, by historian Carl Savich

Klugmann’s superiors in British intelligence deliberately put him in this position, calculating that he would do exactly what he did do. An analogy would be to put a rattlesnake in a cage with a rabbit and see whether the snake kills the rabbit. Of course the snake killed the rabbit, and of course, Klugmann falsified intelligence coming out of Yugoslavia in Tito’s favor. Klugmann’s role was to deceive the Soviets into changing their support from Mihailovic to Tito. British Catholics came to the same conclusion that Tito would be better for the Catholic Church than an avenging Orthodox Serbia. As British and American operatives stationed with Mihailovic’s forces came out of Yugoslavia, they strongly protested the falsified intelligence attributing Chetnik attacks on German forces to the Partisans. These protests should have alerted the deaf, blind, and dumb British that they had a communist mole, but they didn’t because the British already knew Klugmann was their mole.

“A conservative and an ardent Catholic, Greenlees prayed every night that God would help his friends to find their way to the true faith. When Klugmann died, Greenlees wrote an impressively generous letter to the editor of Special Forces Club newsletter in which he said… ‘I recommended him for sergeant before I left for Yugoslavia for a commission’” .
From the Web of Disinformation, Churchill’s Yugoslav Blunder, by David Martin

Now there has always been a strong Catholic influence in the British Foreign Office. Though the Serbs confined their attack to the Croatian Catholic Church and studiously avoided anything that might have implied criticism of the Vatican or the Catholic Church internationally, it would appear that at least some Catholics in the Foreign Office failed to appreciate the distinction. Convinced that Mihailovic was an anti Croat- Catholic fanatic, they were inclined to regard his movement with grave suspicion even before they found another movement to which to attach their sympathies. It was this suspicion that created so much of the friction between the foreign office and the Yugoslav government.
From Ally Betrayed, the Uncensored Story of Tito and Mihailovic , by David Martin.

Normally, it would be very odd indeed anywhere in the 150 year long history of the struggle between the Catholic Church and communism to find them working in a common cause, except of course for that paradox of history, WWII Yugoslavia – where up is down and black is white.

If Churchill was misled about Tito’s strength or intentions, he helped along his own deception by intervening capriciously in the intelligence chain. As Prime Minister, he briefed British agents himself and dropped broad hints about the recommendations they would make. Sometimes he interviewed them again when they returned to London.
FromThe Krajina Chronicles. A History of Serbs in Croatia, Slavonia, and Dalmatia, by Srdja Trifkovic

That’s a big “if Churchill was misled”, much more likely, Churchill led the deception concerning Tito’s strength and intentions.

That these deception operations are little known or publicly debated is a mark of their success. Though covert operations often produce spectacular results, one of their essential qualities is that the origins of the events remain secret – that the historical credit or blame falls on the innocent, on people acting independently, or even better, on mere chance. The very fact that a covert operation is known to have been run by an intelligence agency marks it as a significant failure.
From Desperate Deception, British Covert Operations in the United States 1939- 1944, by Thomas E. Mahl

The British system for manipulating unwitting German or communist agents, who then fed either Hitler or Stalin misinformation was known as the Double Cross System, represented by Roman numerals XX. The Double Cross committee consisted of twenty intelligence operatives and was headed by John C. Masterman. The British have so perfected misinformation and deception through the Double Cross System that not one German agent in Britain operated in Britain without being an unwitting dupe of the British. British Intelligence simply applied the already superbly functioning deception operation as represented by Double Cross to Yugoslavia.

“By means of the double cross system we actively ran and controlled German espionage system in this country”… For that reason it’s often better to watch an enemy agent than to seize him, and to controvert his utility by denying him access to important information and by supplying him with what was known as “chicken feed (misinformation).”
From The Double Cross System in the War 1939 to 1945 , by John C. Mastermann

It made the betrayal of Serbia another win – win for the British, blaming their (British) evil machinations on their real enemy (the communists). The real and effective falsifiers of Yugoslav war intelligence were Randolph Churchill, William Deakin, and Fitzroy MacLean, all Winston Churchill cronies. It was Deakin and MacLean who produced the complete fantasy estimates of Partisan numerical strength in Serbia, which was used as the central and compelling reason for abandoning Mihailovic. Later when their estimates were shown to be complete nonsense, they never recanted their story. The crime Churchill was committing against Serbia demanded that those who were unquestionably and personally loyal to him could be entrusted with its execution.

There has never been an official British apology or acknowledgement of their so called Yugoslav blunder. These are stories, and they are just that, unsubstantiated third party stories of Churchill calling his decision to support Tito a mistake. No apology either from Major Greenlees, the ardent Catholic who promoted the communist Klugmann at SOE Cairo even after he knew of Klugmann’s role in the betrayal of Mihailovic. There is an American folk saying “fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me”. Apparently, Serb American community can be fooled forever. As they say in Vegas, the fix was in. Actually the fix was in since late 1941 when Col. Bailey went to Canada to recruit Croat communists to form a British controlled anti-Serb guerrilla army.


The history of World War Two and pre-war period has been so manipulated and obscured to serve the needs of the Cold War that the following real history is all but forgotten:

The British and Americans mired in a decade long Great Depression knew that left alone, the Soviet Union would have the world’s largest economy and most powerful military by 1950.
“Great Britain, France and the Vatican promoted fascism in Europe including bringing Hitler to power in Germany as a “bulwark against Bolshevism.” Even American State Department Officials had similar views: “Only Nazi Germany could stay the advance of Soviet Bolshevism in Europe… many of the career State Department officials shared Bullet’s cynical enthusiasm for Hitler’s talents”.
From “The Splendid Blond Beast”, by Christopher Simpson

In additional to facilitating Mussolini in Italy, Franco in Spain, and Hitler in Germany, the Vatican was organizing fascist forces in the “Intermarium” (area between the Baltic and Adriatic seas ) Catholic Curtain counties – Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and of course Croatia (temporarily a part of larger Orthodox Yugoslavia) as a political/military barrier against the Soviet Union.


The documentary/drama film “Mission to Moscow” is a 1943 Warner Brothers production based on the book by the same name authored by Joseph Davies, US ambassador to the Soviet Union in the period immediately before the outbreak of WWII. Ambassador Davies approved the script as being faithful to his book. The key point Davies is driving home comes near the end of the movie, when, in an audience with Stalin, Stalin tells Davies that for years Great Britain had deliberately facilitated Hitler’s rise to power and aggressive policies so as to incite a war between Germany and the Soviet Union and that once the major combatants had exhausted themselves, the British would join in to take the lion’s share of the spoils of war. Stalin further said that a collective security effort between the Soviet Union and the Western powers to dissuade Germany from aggression was the only hope of preventing the war. And that absent such a security arrangement, the Soviet Union would be forced to take the radical action of seeking a non-aggression treaty with Germany. Of course the British and French spurned Stalin’s offer and the war came as everyone knew it would.

Hitler did not want to conquer Great Britain, instead he sought an alliance (as the maritime complement to German land forces) with Britain in his anti-Soviet (Russian) crusade.
“They [Neville Chamberlain, Lord Halifax, Sir John Simon, and Sir Samuel Hoar]) were sure the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union only was the enemy of the Axis and that they [U]) could quite easily come to a business like arrangement with Hitler.”
From “Outline of World History’, by H. G. Wells

“In his blueprint for Germany’s future, Britain had been assigned the role as an unconquered and independent nation who would become Germany’s maritime ally. She would act as buffer against the United States while the Fuhrer completed his takeover of the entire continental land mass of Europe. Contemporary academic scholarship has demonstrated that, far from being driven by irrational Anglophobia, Hitler’s foreign policy objectives were remarkably consistent – if megalomaniacal – throughout his career. The achievement of his ultimate goal of German world dictatorship depended on reaching an accommodation with Britain.
From Ten Days to Destiny: The Secret Story of the Hess Peace Initiative and British Efforts to Strike a Deal with Hitler, by John Costello

On May 10, 1941, in one of WW II’s most bizarre episodes, Rudolph Hess, the deputy fuhrer of Germany, parachuted onto Scottish soil. Costello uses recently declassified material to answer 50 years of speculation about the true purpose of Hess’s mission. And his book offers some astonishing revelations. Among them: prominent members of Britain’s ruling establishment (led by foreign secretary Lord Halifax) tried to negotiate a compromise peace with Hitler at the time of the fall of France in 1940; prime minister Churchill had to bluff and bully his war cabinet into rejecting Hitler’s tempting peace overtures; the fuhrer’s Halt Order of May 23, 1940, was a stratagem to persuade the British government to accept a deal. As to the Hess mission, the record now shows that the deputy fuhrer brought not only an authoritative peace proposal but an invitation from Hitler to support Germany’s imminent crusade against the Soviet Union.
From a review of Ten Days to Destiny

The Conservative Party faction around Winston Churchill who was as interested in the destruction of the Soviets as Chamberlain, Halifax, and Hoarse distrusted the latter and feared the former may prevail in a war with Germany, so his recommendation was to ensnare the US in the war, which was attempted by a massive propaganda campaign in the US in 1940 – 1941. See “How Britain Tried to Trick the US into War”, from the monthly magazine World War II.
“I went up to father’s (Winston’s) bathroom… “Sit down dear boy… I think I see my way through. He resumed his shaving. I was astonished, and said: “Do you mean that we can avoid defeat?” – which seemed credible – or “beat the bastards” – which seemed incredible. He swung around, and said: “Of course I mean we can beat them.” Me: “Well, I’m all for it, but I don’t see how you can do it.” By this time he had dried and sponged his face and turning round to me said with great intensity:- “I shall drag the United States in.”
Words of Randolph Churchill, from Desperate Deception, British Covert Operations in the United States 1939- 1944 , by Thomas E. Mahl.

The period between the defeat of Poland and the invasion of the Low Countries and France was correctly labeled as the “phony war.” In other words as long as German aggression is headed east towards the Soviet Union, Britain and France had no reason or desire to actually fight Germany. After all this is consistent with Britain’s real policy aim – utilize Hitler as a “useful idiot” in the mutual destruction of its two biggest continental rivals – Germany and the Soviet Union.
However, the German General Staff, having experienced a two front war in WWI insisted on dealing with France and Britain before an attack on the Soviets. As a matter of strategic planning, the General Staff always considered England Germany’s historical enemy, and had indeed supported Germany’s Rapallo cooperation agreements with the Soviets in the 20’s. However Nazi Germany made no serious effort to conquer Britain, although it was easily within their means. The London Blitz was a “slap on the wrist”, a gesture the British understood as such, and so was “The Miracle at Dunkirk”. There was no miracle. Hitler halted his armies and spared the British Expeditionary force as a peace offering to the British.
On Dec 8, 1941 one day after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Churchill says “we’ve won.” We meant the US and UK, but certainly not Yugoslavia or the Russians. From that date on what concerned the British was not the fate of Germany, which was sealed, but what would Europe look like after the war. Would there still be a Soviet Union, a vastly diminished and weakened country, or a powerful Soviet Union astride a Nazified Europe, only time would tell.
The Serbian coup that toppled the government of Prince Regent Paul disrupted Germany’s timetable for Operation Barbarossa by a critical six weeks. President Roosevelt, whose sympathies were clearly with Serbia throughout the war, said that this event was the turning point of the war. John Keegan, the eminent British military historian called the Serbian coup of March 27th (which had overwhelming popular support throughout Serbia) “one of the greatest acts of defiance to tyranny in European history”.
This postponement of the attack on Russia in order that the Nazi warlord might vent his personal spite against a small Balkan country which had dared to defy him was probably the most catastrophic single decision in Hitler’s career. It is hardly an exaggeration to say that by making it that March afternoon in the Chancellery in Berlin during a moment of convulsive rage Hitler tossed away his last golden opportunity to win the war and to make of the Third Reich, which he had created with such stunning if barbarous genius, the greatest empire in German history and himself the master of Europe. Field Marshal von Brauchitsch, the Commander in Chief of the German Army, and General Halder, the gifted Chief of the General Staff, were to recall it with deep bitterness but also with more understanding of its consequences than they showed at the moment of its making, when later the deep snow and subzero temperatures of Russia hit them three of four weeks short of what they thought they needed for final victory. For ever afterward they and their fellow generals would blame that hasty, ill-advised decision of a vain and infuriated man for all the disasters that ensued.
From The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, A History of Nazi Germany, by William L. Shirer, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1960.

The first and largest anti-Nazi resistance movement was formed by unsurrendered Serbian remnants of the Yugoslav Army under the command of Draza Mihajlovic. This should be no surprise to anyone, including the British and Stalin (which is why Stalin supported Mihailovic) as the military performance and heroism of the Serbs in the First World War and centuries long tradition of guerilla warfare is unsurpassed among all the combatants in Europe and the Serbs’ capacity to endure suffering and deprivation without surrendering is unsurpassed in world history. In post Middle Age warfare, when a country’s casualties approached 5% of its population, even the most committed and bravest (for example the Confederate States in the American Civil War or the Japanese in WWII) surrendered, however Serbia in WWI lost nearly one third of their population, including over 50% of the entire male population, yet did not surrender. The British knew very well that the Serbs didn’t need communist ideology to motivate them to fight the Nazis. They knew heroic resistance to foreign invasion is in Serb DNA and they were dealing with a people that would literally fight to the death for their beliefs.
The infantry, and especially the Serbs, had performed great feats of endurance, for they had done everything on their feet. Their supply system for the advance was grimly simple: they carried no food with them at all, just ammunition, relying on whatever the impoverished peasantry of their homeland could provide. As a result many who had set out as bronzed fighting men ended up as walking wraiths, mahogany turning into wax, but they went on walking, out-distancing not only the French horsemen, but even the British ration-lorries. Such fanaticism was the answer to the puzzled comment [German] Hindenburg made later: “Without rest, it seemed IMPOSSIBLE for the enemy to bring up strong forces forward to Skopje… How would he overcome the problems of supply, for we had completely destroyed the railways and roads?” What the Germans could not destroy was the Serbian spirit.
From “November 1918”, by Lt. Colonel Gordon Brooks-Shepherd

The collapse of the Salonika front, due to the unparallel courage and fighting skill of the Serbs, quickly resulted in the defeat of Bulgaria, Austria Hungary, and Turkey. This is the event, not US entry into the war that ended World War I. The Serbian soldier was regarded as the best fighting man in the world.Both Stalin and Churchill knew this.

“Dieppe” is a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation production depicting the disastrous amphibious assault on the French Normandy city of Dieppe. So, as the video clip showed us, the British claim that after three years of war mobilization, they couldn’t come up with enough men to launch an invasion in France in late 1942 strained their credibility to the breaking point, hence Eisenhower’s outburst of anger. The two years of British delaying tactics gave the Germans enough time to build the Atlantic Wall that made the June 1944 invasion much more costly. “Dieppe” production and release date are instructive, 1992 and 1993, right after the fall of the Soviet Union. Dieppe was a still a raw subject with Canadians as they suffered nearly all the casualties, but couldn’t complain about it or the grand deception of World War Two history would be exposed when it still mattered. The docudrama showed the Canadians were lied to by the British about German defensive strength and British promises for air and naval gunfire support. Basically the British insured it would be a failure thus proving a second front that Gen. Eisenhower was calling for was impossible in late 1942. Although, the British didn’t take up Hitler’s offer of an anti-Soviet alliance out of fear that the Soviets might very well win, the British did frustrate the US desire to bring immediate military assistance to Russia for over two years thereby causing millions of more deaths and thousands of more destroyed cities and towns in the Soviet Union.

The British were learning in detail by the summer of 1941 of the Catholic Church inspired Ustashe slaughter of Serbian Orthodox in the Independent State of Croatia. The death toll by the end of the summer of’41 is over 500,000. Jasenovac became the first death camp in Europe.
“The armed resistance to the Nazi occupation began in Bosnia, and there the Croatian Fascists began an extermination of the Serbs which, in the whole annals of World War II was only surpassed in savagery by the mass extinction of Polish Jews.”
From the “Encyclopedia Britannica” 1954

“Judging by Pope Pius XII’s words, Croatia was an exemplary, not to say an idyllic kingdom, with which the Holy See was impatient to establish long lasting and official relations so as to weld modern developments on to a history of its glorious past – it was not the country where hundreds of thousands of Orthodox were being slaughtered for religious and racial reasons, where Jews and Gypsies were bloodily pursued.”
From The Silence of Pius XII, by Carlo Falconi

Britain, starting in late 1941 began recruiting known Croatian communists in Canada for training and insertion into Yugoslavia, despite the well known exploits of the Serbian Orthodox resistance. The natural enemy of this British inspired and supported guerrilla army would be the Serbian Orthodox resistance of Draza Mihailovic. This operation alone should call into question who Tito really was. A recently disclosed CIA voice/language analysis of the man the world called Tito strongly indicated he was not a native Serbo – Croatian speaker, but most likely was a native of Poland or Russia. This only adds to the evidence that the World War II Tito was a whole cloth creation of British intelligence.
The forces of Mihailovic played an important role in the Allied victory in North Africa by destroying great quantities of German war material on Serbia’s railroads. The contributions to the war effort by the Partisans are minimal, simply because they had no presence in Serbia during the critical years of the war plus their main military effort was against the Serbian Orthodox resistance. During the same period that the Serbian Orthodox resistance was destroying German war materiel in Yugoslavia, the British were sabotaging supply convoys to Russia.
The Battle of Stalingrad stopped German expansion into Russia. However, the decisive battle of WWII was at the Kursk Salient in July – August 1943. Here Germany is truly defeated and from that point on, Germany would be on the defensive and in retreat. And everyone knew that Germany would lose the war. The Soviet Union was bound to win – D Day or no D Day. It was a figment of Cold War propaganda as well as a fraud perpetrated by Western histories to elevate D Day (June 6, 1944) to the same level of importance as Kursk. Germany lost nearly as many men fighting the Russians every month for four years as it did fighting the Americans and British from D Day to the end of the war. From the British perspective (but not the American, to the credit of President Roosevelt) D-Day was the rescue mission to save Germany (and her vast industry) from the Soviets.
Ironically, the Red Army victory at Kursk would doom Draza Mihailovic and the Serbian people. For up until Kursk, the British government and the American Republican party (John Foster Dulles) were promoting a plan that called for Germany to limit its conquest to the German speaking areas of Europe and an alliance of the Western Allies (US/UK) with Germany against the Soviet Union.
“In time Allen Dulles and his brother John Foster Dulles became two of the most influential advocates of the separate peace tactics in elite US circles. John Foster Dulles, already a senior foreign policy expert for the Republican Party, publicly declared in the Spring of 1943 that Poland was the place to draw the line against the Soviets. Allen Dulles meanwhile opposed FDR’s agreement to seek unconditional surrender of Germany.”
From the Splendid Blond Beast, by Christopher Simpson

After Kursk, it was clear to all that the Red Army was going to win WWII decisively and there would be no chance for a stabilized Eastern Front in the western Soviet Union. What lay ahead would be a divided Europe with the Soviets occupying much if not all of the Catholic Curtain countries, or perhaps all of Europe.
One month after Kursk, Brigadier Fitzroy MacLean arrived at Tito’s headquarters with a promise of aid to the Partisans to ensure a communist victory.
Meanwhile the British demanded suicidal actions by Mihailovic of no military consequence, which would have invited massive German reprisals at a ratio of 100 Serb civilians killed for every German. Mihailovic bitterly remarks that “the British are prepared to fight to the last drop of Serbian blood.”
In February 1944, Captain Walter Mansfield returned to Washington, bringing with him Captain Bora Todorovich, one of Mihailovic’s lieutenants. He was followed a short while later by Col. Albert Seitz. In essence their report was that Mihailovic controlled the whole of Serbia and large areas of Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Montenegro: that apart from a few minor commanders whom Mihailovic had repudiated, they had found no evidence of collaboration; and that, given Allied assistance, Mihailovic could mobilize a Chetnik army of 250,000 or more… President Roosevelt and the State Department were so impressed by the report of Captain Mansfield and Colonel Seitz that towards the end of March 1944 it was decided to immediately dispatch Lend Lease aid to Mihailovic. Preparations were made. A telephone call came from Churchill. The Lend Lease shipments were cancelled.
From Ally Betrayed, the Uncensored Story of Tito and Mihailovic, by David Martin.

By mid 1943- 1944, everyone knew Germany was defeated, The entire world knows the rest of the story – Tito wins in Yugoslavia and Serbia is utterly defeated, having to simultaneously fight the British-supported communist Partisans, Nazi Germany, Croat Ustashe, Bosnian Muslims, Albanians and potentially the Red Army, all the while being bombed by British and American air forces. But why would the British aid a communist (Tito) in a war they fostered to destroy the Soviet Union? Well put yourself in the position of the British. They really had no choice. Even if the British were fully appreciative of all the Serbian sacrifices they absolutely needed a “communist”, or more precisely an anti-Serb victory in Yugoslavia. They recognized this as early as late 1941 when Col. Bailey was sent to Canada to recruit Croat communists for a British-controlled anti Serbian Orthodox army. The British, whose strategic concern was the post-war political landscape of Europe, sent a seasoned anti-communist operative (MacLean) to a communist (Tito) to aid him against the pro-Western, pro- democracy Serbs of Draza Mihailovic in a war they (the British) had manipulated in order to destroy Communism (Soviet Union). Well the British say – Tito is killing more Germans and that’s why we help him. But aren’t these the same British that Eisenhower accused of betrayal and cowardliness for not really fighting the Germans for two years? Yes, they are the same.

No, British backing of Tito had nothing to do with killing Germans. They knew Germany is defeated. So what did motivate the British to create a Tito?

British actions in Yugoslavia were ultimately all about the Serbian Holocaust. The British and the Americans knew that as a result of the Battle of the Kursk Salient there would be a divided Europe with the Soviets occupying much of Catholic Europe. They also knew that communism held great appeal to much of the population of two great Catholic countries, France and Italy (where the communists were effectively the anti-Nazi resistance, but received no aid from the US/UK).

“The overriding fact of political life all across Europe after World War II was a massive shift to the left. Disillusioned with the old line conservative politics and politicians they blamed for the conflict, millions of Europeans embraced Communist and Socialist promises of change. Communist parties became especially strong in France and Italy, where urban workers had long been drawn to Marxism.”
From a foreword to the History of World War II, by Eric Severeid.

So, the situation that Western allies faced at the end of World War II was Soviet occupation of the Intermarium Catholic counties in the East and massive popular support for communism and socialism in France and Italy.

The British were in a position along with the Americans (but not the Soviets) to know the facts on the ground concerning the Serbian Holocaust and the role of the Catholic Church right up to Pope Pius XII. They also realized that after Kursk, there would be a divided Europe and a long ideological struggle with communism and that propaganda and claims to moral superiority (given the experiences of capitalism producing two World Wars and the Great Depression in the first half of the twentieth century) would be crucial for victory. Simply put, the British and Americans feared a Serbian Orthodox victory in Yugoslavia would lead to Serb retributive justice which would very likely lead to the downfall of the Papacy and perhaps the entire Roman Catholic Church at a time when the Soviet Union enjoyed immense prestige for its role in defeating Nazi Germany and at a time when the masses of Europe where shifting radically to the left.

In other words if the Vatican was exposed as complicit in mass murder, if Pius XII ended up in the dock at Nuremberg, most of Western Europe might have gone communist in free elections. The cover up of the Serbian Holocaust by Tito and the West was precisely the “secret motive” that the Soviets couldn’t figure out. That is why Yugoslavia became the largest intelligence operation of World War II.


In defense of my loyalty to you, I am hopeful that I may deviate from strict military protocol so that justice might prevail, and for this reason I hasten to write about an incident which I personally went to inspect which happened three weeks ago. Upon visiting the District of Stolac, Chapljina and Ljubinje I was informed by one of our intelligence officers that Pavelic’s Ustashi, on a previous day, had inflicted some sort of crimes in the village of Periodic (a Serbian village in Bosnia) and that if it became public, the local Serbs would anew become disturbed and agitated.

I lack the words with which to write about what I had discovered there in a large classroom. I discovered the massacre of a teacher and 120 of her students. Not one of the students was older than twelve years. It was a crime, an improper and indecent word that surpasses all insanity. Many of them were decapitated and their heads lined up on the student benches. The intestines were pulled from the slashed stomachs by the Ustashi and like New Year’s streamers stretched across the ceiling and nailed to the walls. …

The criminals first all took turns in raping the teacher and later killed her in front of the children. During this time a gypsy orchestra was forcibly brought in and was forced to sing loudly songs and beat upon the stings of the guitars… To the eternal shame of our Roman Catholic Church, one man of God – a parish priest, participating in all of this.

The massacre of Serbians has reached such proportions that many sources of water supplies have been polluted. I can personally vouch for this because I have seen a well in Popovo Polje, not far form the pit where 4,000 Serbs were disposed of, that due to that a well is discharging crimson water because of this pollution.

An indelible stain will fall upon the culture and conscience of Italy, if we do not, while there is still time, distance ourselves from the Ustashi and prevent that it could be written that we supported this madness.”
Italian Army General Alexander Luzana in a letter to Mussolini (from the Military Archives of the Second Occupation Army)

So, what do you do if you are the British and Americans? Like General Luzana, the British came to the same conclusion, but went one step further. They must prevent not only that it could be written that the Catholic Church was involved in the Serbian Holocaust, but that it happened at all. At stake was the very survival of the Roman Catholic Church, an instrument the British knew was absolutely vital to the Cold War. The Catholic priest who participated in the mass murder described by Gen. Luzana was not an isolated individual, but rather all too common in the Independent State of Croatia. The late Serbian Holocaust researcher Dr. Milan Buljaic has meticulously documented the names of over one thousand Catholic priest, monks, and seminarians that committed mass murder. So what options did the British have? Only one. To create, in the form of Tito, a force that is, one, anti-Serb and, two, entirely dependent on the West for its survival. And this is the reality behind Anglo-American policy in World War II Yugoslavia. They supported Tito not because his forces were killing Germans, but because the British knew Tito’s Partisans were killing the Serbian Orthodox resistance. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, the oldest strategy in warfare. The British, looking ahead to the Cold War, saw the Serbian Orthodox resistance movement of Draza Mihailovic as their real enemy and Tito (despite the fact he was a communist) as their friend or, more accurately, their accomplice in the cover up of the Serbian Holocaust.

For his part Tito, could have, if he were a legitimate communist revolutionary, done just the opposite of covering up the Serbian Holocaust. He certainly knew the importance of this event for the Cold War period and, with the massive documentation at his disposal, could have easily exposed the truth to the world. This would have given socialists and communists everywhere in Europe an enormous, if not decisive political victory in dealing with the Old European Order of which the Catholic Church was the lynchpin. For the very same reason, Tito could have exposed Austrian diplomat Kurt Waldheim as a war criminal for his participation in massacres against Serbs in Bosnia, when the latter was elected as the fourth General Secretary of the United Nations, but he didn’t. Instead, as we find in the Wikipedia article, “Waldheim’s name appears on the Wehrmacht’s honor list “of those responsible for the militarily successful operation. The Nazi puppet state, the Independent State of Croatia, awarded Waldheim the Medal of the Crown of King Zvonimir in silver with an oak branches cluster.[9] Decades later, during the lobbying for his election as U.N. Secretary General, Yugoslav President Josip Broz Tito, who had led anti-German forces during the war, awarded Waldheim one of the highest Yugoslav orders.”

At home in Yugoslavia he could have preserved the “Brotherhood and Unity” policy by declaring the Croat masses innocent and laying the entire blame for the massacres at the feet of the Ustashi and the source of their inspiration, the Catholic Church. This would have gone a long way to truly heal the divisions in post war Yugoslavia and would have made Tito a genuine hero. But he didn’t, passing instead on every opportunity to be a genuine communist and continuing to do the bidding of the Anglo-American Empire to his dying day. This certainly helps to explain why the “communist” Tito was always welcomed at Buckingham Palace and why Queen Elizabeth gave Tito, among other gifts, an $800,000 Rolls Royce.

The strategy worked and brilliantly so. Tito’s phony version of “Brotherhood and Unity” was the mechanism for covering up the Serbian Holocaust. There would be no examination or discussion of the Ustashi/Catholic Church crimes, no retribution on the perpetrators or justice for the victims. After the war, Tito and British propagandists would morally equate Mihailovic’s Chetniks with the Ustashe, squaring the circle of deception. The Catholic Church was saved. The Roman Church did survive and go on as anticipated to agitate in Poland, Lithuania, and the rest of Catholic Eastern Europe, initiating events that resulted the collapse of the Soviet Union. So, far from being a mistake or being tricked, the Anglo-American support of Tito was in fact a brilliant anti-communist strategy.

As the war came to an end, the Vatican with the assistance of British, French, and later American intelligence smuggled thousands of Croatian and Nazi war criminals out of Europe. Notable among them were the Croatian leader Ante Pavelic and the Minister of the Interior Andrija Artukovic – the men most responsible for implementing the policy of a pure Catholic Croatia. The Americans named this operation “The Ratline”. Cardinal Montini was its principal organizer. Montini was later to become Pope Paul VI. Take a moment to think of this reality. Two Roman Catholic popes oversaw mass murder and were active accomplices to the cover-up of mass murder and crimes against humanity. The British helped the Nazi Ustashi on the one hand and the so-called communist Tito on the other. The common thread is that everything the British did in regard to WW II Yugoslavia was anti-Serb, designed to preserve the Catholic Church’s usefulness in the forthcoming Cold war.

Roosevelt had quite different war aims then Churchill. Among them was ending the colonial and imperial systems of the European powers, which he regarded as the cause of both World Wars. Of course, chief among these empires was the British Empire. However, with his decline in health and death, Anglophiles and Catholics (Allen and John Foster Dulles and William Casey) in the US government, subsequently headed by another World War II “useful idiot,” Harry Truman, were responsible, among other things, for the completion of the betrayal of Serbia, the dropping of atomic bombs (against the advice of every senior US military leader, but at the insistence of the British) on defenseless Japanese cities, and the Cold War itself with its insane arms race which still threatens the existence of all humanity.

“The US and British abandonment of denazification and decartelization (programs to rid post war Germany of Nazi influence) was not a product of the Cold war, it was the cause of it. From the very first days of the occupation, the US practiced what appeared from the outside to be a duplicitous policy towards denazification of Germany. But whether the US government intended it or not, its action cast the die for the Cold War.”
FromThe Splendid Blond Beast, by Christopher Simpson.

Only the Catholic Church and the British needed the second Yugoslavia as a means of covering up the greatest crime of the 20th century and negating the Serbs’ enormous sacrifice and contributions to the Allied victory.

Will the truth about Serbia ever be known? All history to some degree is contemporary history or as George Orwell noted “he who controls the past controls the future, and he who controls the present controls the past. Orwell worked in the British Ministry of Information during WWII and learned first hand the methods of British style propaganda.

“When George Orwell published his political satire Animal Farm in 1945, he wrote a preface to the book that was deleted and censored from the rest of the text. In the preface, Orwell criticized the media censorship and suppression that was endemic in Western countries during World War II.

The censored, deleted, and suppressed proposed 1945 preface to Animal Farm was first published by The Times Literary Supplement on September 15, 1972 as an essay entitled “ The Freedom of the Press”. In the preface, Orwell analyzed and deconstructed the government and media censorship in Britain during World War II. Orwell focused on the case of Draza Mihailovich, the Serbian resistance leader in Yugoslavia who was first supported and aided by the allies, the US, Soviet Union, and Britain, but later denounced and rejected in favor of the communist Josip Broz Tito.
From an article published by Serbianna.Com, by historian Carl Savich.

As long as the Cold War persisted, the truth of the Serbian Holocaust could never see the light of day. Just as the Canadians could not accuse their British ally of deliberate deception and manipulation during the Cold War for the disastrous Dieppe Raid that cost thousands of Canadian casualties (and would be the excuse to delay D day for almost two years) or the sex scandals that surrounds the Catholic Church today (but whose events happened in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s and a thousand years before), neither could the crimes of Western states or institution be made known or else the spotless mantle of Western moral superiority would be stained.

Today, of all the former communist counties in Europe (including Russia herself), only in Serbia has there not been a reexamination of the communist past. To be sure there are small minorities in practically all ex-communist countries that continue to be “true believers”, but the majority of these populations and all the post communist governments have repudiated the communist past – except the present day pro-western neo-Titoist government of Serbia. To be more accurate, Slobodan Milosevic did repudiate Tito and made a start to uncover the truth of the Unknown Holocaust of Serbs in WW II Yugoslavia. The West, in their fear of that truth coming out, unleashed the same anti-Serb propaganda against Milosevic as they did 60 years earlier against Mihailovic and for the same reason. Both men ended their days in show trials conducted for the benefit of the deniers of the Serbian Holocaust.

It is a travesty of justice that the Serbs have been labeled as the aggressors. They had no desire to destroy the Federation (of Yugoslavia) although contrary to Croat propaganda, the system established by Tito favored the smaller republics. The Serbs are fierce fighters for a just cause in defense of their lands or their people, but they have never been aggressors. The Serbs don’t hate. But Croat history shows that those sections of the Croat population, the ex Communists, neo Fascists around Tudjman, the Party of Rights, and above all the Ustashi – who regrettably are calling the tune – are grotesquely Serbophobic and driven by hate and by an extraordinary phenomenon – a crusading Catholicism – which I as a sincere Catholic myself find totally abhorrent.”
From The Rape of Serbia – The British Role in Tito’s Grab for Power, by Michael Lees.

No, the present day governments of the US and UK were no more tricked by clever PR firms into supporting Croatia and Bosnian Muslims in the 90s, than the British were tricked by their pet communist moles in WWII. That story is for the gullible and for the cowards in the Serbian Diaspora communities who can’t face the truth that Serbia was knowingly and deliberately betrayed by her allies for the purpose of covering up the greatest crime of the Christian Age.

As Dragan Illitch of Los Angeles wrote in the American Srbobran in 1995 in trying to understand the Serbian Diaspora’s response to the Serbian Holocaust, “It is as if some one killed your entire family and the best way you could come up with to deal with it is to act as if your family never existed”. He went on to say he could understand why and how the Serbs in Yugoslavia couldn’t remember the dead of the Serbian Holocaust because they lived under Tito’s dictatorship where “Brotherhood and Unity” made it a crime to remember, but what about the Serbs in the US and Canad

Дуги рат Запада против Србије и Парадокс југославенске историји

Да су ове операције обмане мало познате или јавно расправљене, означава њихов успех. Премда тајне операције често стварају спектакуларне резултате, једна од њихових основних својстава јест тај што извор догађаја остаје тајна - да историјски кредит или кривица падне на невине, на људе који делују независно, или чак и боље, на пуке прилике. Чињеница да је тајна операција позната као да их води обавештајна агенција означава га као значајан неуспех.
Од Десперате Децептион, британске тајне операције у Сједињеним Америчким Државама 1939-1944, Тхомас Е. Махл

Дуги рат против Србије за Запад је историју највеће обмане Другог светског рата и огромну међународну ратну сарадњу Велике Британије, Ватикана, Сједињених Америчких Држава, Немачке и остатка Запада како би покрили најслађи геноцид У модерној историји. Пројекат тако важан да га је Винстон Черчил иницирао и лично надзирао његов рад.

Ко контролише прошлост контролише будућност, који управља садашњим контролама прошлости
Георге Орвелл, аутор фарми животиња и 1984

Као што је Георге Орвелл саветовао, ко контролише будуће контроле, прошлост, која контролише садашњост контролише прошлост. Ниједна прошлост земље у савременом добу више није контролисана, измишљена и пропагандирана од Југославије и Србије. Прихваћену историју Југославије аутор су британски, владини и институционални аутори и њихови титоисти савезници у Југославији. Непосредне сврхе ове лажне историји биле су јасне - нејасне и прикривале историју римокатоличке цркве која је инспирисала српске холокауст, у којој је 700,000-1.000.000 Срба, Јевреја и Рома било убијено на најобимнији психопатски начин који је икада забележен. Ове бројке за жртве не укључују више стотина хиљада Срба убијених у британском инспирираном грађанском рату који је служио као њихов механизам за покривање србијанског холокауста. Крајњи циљ лажне историји био је спасити Римокатоличку цркву за Хладни рат, рат којег су Британци рано планирали док је играо Други светски рат.

У одређеном сату, мушкарац сличан медвједаст, румплираном човеку, сиво одело, чије би непознато лице изазвало неколико људи на земљи да би други поглед погледало, упућено је у папски скромни канцеларија у Ватикану. Фервентни католик који је готово сваки дан присуствовао миси, човек чија је кућа била испуњена киповима Девице Марије, вјерника који ће ускоро бити ангажован у молитвеној контемплацији с самим папе Вилијамом Цасеијем, директором Америчке централне обавештајне агенције, Стигао је на изразито земаљску мисију ... ova двојица, један од њих који је милионски позвао као принца светлости, а други који су многи исмејавали као принц таме (укључујући и тог аутора као Виллиам Цасеи, горљиви католик био је кључни амерички званичник у operacija Ратлинова операција која је видела Ватикан са британском и америчком интелигенцијом помогла кријумчарењу десетина хиљада ратних злочинаца из Европе након Другог светског рата) могла би се сусрести можда пола туцета више пута пре него што се комунизам најпре распадне у папе љубљеној Пољској, а затим у источној Европи, a коначно и сам Совјетски Савез .. . Цасеи и његов заштитник Роналд Реган, претпоставили су да по стоји потенцијална трећа светска суперпојица - 20 квадратних метара И да је њен монарх, папа Иван Павао ИИ., Имао на његову заповест изванредан арсенал неконвенционалног оружја који би могао помоћи у балансирању Хладног рата, особито уз отворену и прикривену помоћ Сједињених Држава.

"Како могу имати поделе Папу?", Упита Стаљин презирно током Другог светског рата. На ово питање би се ускоро добио одговор, који би из Политбуро синдиката Совјетских социјалистичких република оставио дубоко изненађен и узнемирен. У Вашингтону, Реган и Цасеи разговарали су о могућности "разбијања Пољске из совјетске орбите", уз помоћ Светог Оца.
Од Његове Светости - Ивана Павла ИИ. И скривене историји нашег времена, Царл Бернстеин и Марцо Полити

Сви знамо како су савезништво САД / Велике Британије / Ватикана освојили Хладни рат, али можете бити сигурни да су Британци вековима успели светско царство били деценијама испред америчког стратешког размишљања, који су већ крајем 1941. свесни да су имали Како би спасио српски црвену црвену цркву за долазак Хладног рата.

Ово је извориште за запад који се боји, мрзела и мржња према Србији и свему повезаном са српским етничким идентитетом - истином српски холокауста. Шта су учинили Срби да би заслужили такав третман - напад на све могуће начине - економска, политичка, пропаганда и војска? Запад није третирао Немце тако лоше након Другог светског рата у којем је погинуло 50 милиона људи, нити је Запад обрађивао Совјете, Арапе или било који други непријатељ окрутно као и Срби. А онда размотрите да је Србија била најснажнија савезница Сједињених Држава и Великој Британији у оба светска рата, тако да је застава Србије летела 28. јуна 1918. године над америчким Капитолом у знак поштовања за супер људске напоре и жртвовања Србије у Првом светском рату. Ово је одговор на овај наизглед парадокс српског историји. Уништити Србију, уништавајући Драву Михаиловицев српско-православни покрет отпора. То је управо механизам којим су Британци спасили Католичку цркву.

Најважнији и трауматични догађај у модерној српској историји врло је мало Срба о којем се говори, а нико на Западу не жели чути, а ипак је главни узрок свих проблема који су задесиле бившу Југославију током протеклих 25 година. Психијатри често користе израз "горила од 800 килограма у дневној соби" како би описали увредљив породични однос у којем алкохолистички отац терорише породицу насиљем и окрутношћу. Међутим, породица, из страха, заметнутог срама, кривице и исцрпљености покрива злостављање тако да све изгледа нешто нормално према спољном свету. Срби су имали "800лб горила" у својој кући за последњих 70 година. Такав догађај трауматичан и важан Србима да напор злостављача да чини све чини "нормалним" био је инспирација за 70-годишње напоре да уништи српску историју, културу и њихов етнички идентитет. Догађај којем се нико не усуђује говорити, гориљак 800 килограма Србије иде по многим именима - србијанском холокаусту, холокаусту ватикана, ватиканским Аусцхвитзом, геноцидом у Независној Држави Хрватској, а можда и најточнијег имена - непознатом холокаусту.

Централно питање, онима који су спремни да одговоре на овај велики парадокс (најважнији догађај у модерној српској историји, а ипак за све практичне сврхе, Срби то не говоре о спољном свету) јесте: "Како је то да шпанска инквизиција Још увек је добро позната од стране светске јавности, иако се догодило пре пет стотина година и њена стопа смрти (100.000) била је само део католичке цркве надахнуо српске холокауст (750.000-1.000.000), а ипак српска холокауст, који се догодио у Доби масовне комуникације и живом памћењу милиона људи, готово је непозната ван Србије? Одговор је једноставан и јасан свакоме ко је храбар да то каже. Британци, Американци, Ватикан и остатак Запада то желе. Заједно су имали моћ да мењају режиме (Тито), моћ да застраше преживеле, новац за корупцију и куповину тишине, те масовни медији који су практиковали самокренску цензуру.

Западни 70-годишњи рат против Србије започео је када су добитници и губитници Другог светског рата постали очигледни крајем 1942. - почетком 1943. када су Британци схватили да је совјетска победа сигурна и да ће послератни политички крајолик Европе видети Црвена армија заузима већи део католичке Европе . Тако је започела највећа тајна обавештајна операција у историји Другог светског рата - уништити целу нацију недужних сведока историји највећег криминала. Због величине злочина и коначне кривице, Римокатоличке цркве, обмана је постала стратегија за прикривање. Направите кривим (фанатици католици и муслимани) без именовања, чине праве жртве (православне Србе) кривима.

"То је иронија историји да је Тито требао бити стварање капиталистичких демократија Велике Британије и Сједињених Држава. Његов је покрет, чак и на својој висини, био мањина која је освојила активно непријатељство масе Срба, Хрвата и Словенских народа. Армирање покрета, пружањем услуга ББЦ -а и америчког радија претварајући демократски штампу у пропагандни агент за то, слање савезничких официра у Југославију као пропагандне експонате у својим настојањима за регрутовање и коначно прикривање u својој огромној моралној власти, Велика Британија и Сједињене američke Државе су се директно одговориле за Титово успон на власт . "
Од Веб оф Дисинформатион, Цхурцхиллова југославенска грешка, Давид Мартин.

Да, одлучујућа улога Велике Британије и Сједињених Држава у привлачењу Титове власти у Југославију је универзално призната, али је британска и америчка подршка Титову грешку или грешку као што је Давид Мартин и многи Срби верују или је то била најстарија стратегија Ратовања - непријатељ мој непријатељ је мој пријатељ?

"Војна обмана је била стара као и сам рат, али је упитно је ли икада војне команде икад користила обману као темељни алат стратешког планирања као потпуно и строго као што су то учинили током Другог светског рата". Генерал Ајзенхауер тачно закључио, "они (британски) су се прибегли свакој врсти подмуклости".
Од заваравања варалица, од стране Самуел Ј. Хамрицк

Био је ген. Ајзенхауер који је инсистирао на томе да Драза Михаиловић добије америчку легију заслуга, највишу војну награду страног примаоца.

У Генија за превару: како је лукаво помогао британској победи два свјетска рата, Ницхолас Ранкин нуди живахну и свеобухватну историју о томе како је британска блузала, преварила и шпијунирала свој пут до победе у два светска рата. Као што показује, кохерентни програм стратешког заваравања појавио се у Првом светском рату, ослањајући се на стубове камуфлаже, пропаганде, тајне интелигенције и Специјалних снага. Сви облици преваре пронашли су похлепаног спонзора у Винстона Черчила, који је носио свој ентузијазам због заваравања непријатеља у Другог светског рата.

[Председник] Рузвелт га је 20. децембра 1941. године питао [југославенски амбасадор у САД-у, Фотиц] "Како смо након таквих страшних злочина могли очекивати (Срби) да живе у истој држави са Хрватима". И у ранијој прилици, рекао је [Рузвелт], "било би да Срби одлучују какву заједницу желе задржати код Хрвата после рата".

Хамилтон Фисх Армстронг ми је рекао [Амбасадор Фотиц], "Никад нисмо разумели његово [Цхурцхилл] одушевљење Титу и његово уверење да би могао однети Титу од Руса".
Од пада Југославије, Илија Јукић

Као што је указао амерички војни колонел Роберт Мекдауел, Стаљин је неколико пута покушавао од 1942. до почетка 1944. године да Британци шаљу совјетску мису у Михаиловицх и помажу у спречавању рата између четника и Паритасса. Молотов је Едену (британском министру спољних послова) рекао у новембру 1943. на крају Техеранске конференције "Радије бих послао нашу мисију Михаиловицх него Титу како бисмо сазнали више о догађајима у тој земљи".

Западни 70-годишњи рат против Србије започео је када су добитници и губитници Другог светског рата постали очигледни крајем 1942. - почетком 1943. када су Британци схватили да је совјетска победа сигурна и да ће послератни политички крајолик Европе видети Црвена армија заузима већи део католичке Европе . Тако је започела највећа тајна обавештајна операција у историји Другог светског рата - уништити целу нацију недужних сведока историји највећег криминала. Због величине злочина и коначне кривице, Римокатоличке цркве, обмана је постала стратегија за прикривање. Направите кривим (фанатици католици и муслимани) без именовања, чине праве жртве (православне Србе) кривима.

"То је иронија историји да је Тито требао бити стварање капиталистичких демократија Велике Британије и Сједињених Држава. Његов је покрет, чак и на својој висини, био мањина која је освојила активно непријатељство масе Срба, Хрвата и Словенских народа. Армирање покрета, пружањем услуга ББЦ -а и америчког радија претварајући демократски штампу у пропагандни агент за то, слање савезничких официра у Југославију као пропагандне експонате у својим настојањима за регрутовање и коначно прикривање u својој огромној моралној власти, Велика Британија и Сједињене američke Државе су се директно одговориле за Титово успон на власт . "
Од Веб оф Дисинформатион, Цхурцхиллова југославенска грешка, Давид Мартин.

Да, одлучујућа улога Велике Британије и Сједињених Држава у привлачењу Титове власти у Југославију је универзално призната, али је британска и америчка подршка Титову грешку или грешку као што је Давид Мартин и многи Срби верују или је то била најстарија стратегија Ратовања - непријатељ мој непријатељ је мој пријатељ?

"Војна обмана је била стара као и сам рат, али је упитно је ли икада војне команде икад користила обману као темељни алат стратешког планирања као потпуно и строго као што су то учинили током Другог светског рата". Генерал Ајзенхауер тачно закључио, "они (британски) су се прибегли свакој врсти подмуклости".
Од заваравања варалица, од стране Самуел Ј. Хамрицк

Био је ген. Ајзенхауер који је инсистирао на томе да Драза Михаиловић добије америчку легију заслуга, највишу војну награду страног примаоца.

У Генија за превару: како је лукаво помогао британској победи два свјетска рата, Ницхолас Ранкин нуди живахну и свеобухватну историју о томе како је британска блузала, преварила и шпијунирала свој пут до победе у два светска рата. Као што показује, кохерентни програм стратешког заваравања појавио се у Првом светском рату, ослањајући се на стубове камуфлаже, пропаганде, тајне интелигенције и Специјалних снага. Сви облици преваре пронашли су похлепаног спонзора у Винстона Черчила, који је носио свој ентузијазам због заваравања непријатеља у Другог светског рата.

[Председник] Рузвелт га је 20. децембра 1941. године питао [југославенски амбасадор у САД-у, Фотиц] "Како смо након таквих страшних злочина могли очекивати (Срби) да живе у истој држави са Хрватима". И у ранијој прилици, рекао је [Рузвелт], "било би да Срби одлучују какву заједницу желе задржати код Хрвата после рата".

Хамилтон Фисх Армстронг ми је рекао [Амбасадор Фотиц], "Никад нисмо разумели његово [Цхурцхилл] одушевљење Титу и његово уверење да би могао однети Титу од Руса".
Од пада Југославије, Илија Јукић

Као што је указао амерички војни колонел Роберт Мекдауел, Стаљин је неколико пута покушавао од 1942. до почетка 1944. године да Британци шаљу совјетску мису у Михаиловићу и помажу у спречавању рата између четника и Партизана. Молотов је Едену (британском министру спољних послова) рекао у новембру 1943. на крају Техеранске конференције "Радије бих послао нашу мисију Михаиловићу него Титу како бисмо сазнали више о догађајима у тој земљи".

Била је то победа за Британце. Ако је Тито учинио како су Британци очекивали и следили предратну протусловску политику југославенске комунистичке партије и допустили да "Братство и јединство" покрије српске холокауст, то је победа. С друге стране, ако је Тито деловао као прави комунист, тада би Британци пропагирали: "Чуј, Тито је комуниста који напада Католичку цркву, зато је све само комунистичка пропаганда и не треба веровати", још једна победа. Ипак, с обзиром на допринос Савезничкој победи Србије у Првом светском рату, и револуцији која је запањила свет, и раном ратну славу Михаиловића, њихову светску похвалу и резервоар добре воље, било би било какве српске оптужбе против католичке цркве огромне веродостојности. Тако су Британци морали спречити православну победу по сваку цену уништавајући веродостојност Михаиловића. Оно што је стварно заинтересовало британске, као што ћемо видети, био је свет који би дошао након рата. Србијанско пијун би жртвовало како би спасио римокатоличку краљицу за надолазећу шаховску игру Хладног рата.

Горњи увод служи као довољно илустрација да је југославенска историју у Другом светском рату најсложенија, контрадикторна и парадоксална у савременој светској историји. Само размотрите следеће:

Унутар Другог светског рата, Југославија, налазите нај фанатични нацистички савезник, католичку Хрватску и највећи анти нацистички непријатељ, Православну Србију
Председник Рузвелт подржава Дражу Михаиловић и Српско-Православни Децембар западни и демократски Српски покрет отпора, док британци подржавају тзв. Комунистичког Тита.
Стаљин подржава Српски Православни Михаиловић све док му се ум не промени британском преваром.
Михаиловић и Српске ортодоксни отпор боре се против нацистичке Немачке када је на врхунцу своје власти, но по британском су почетку сарађивали с Немцима чим немачки пораз постане неизбежан.
Чурчил шаље изасланике Титу који су му лично лојални, укључујући и његовог сина Рандолпха и његову секретарицу Вилијам Дикин, док су британци послали Пуковник Вилијам Бејлија Михаиловићу. Бејлијев непосредна претходна задатак организовала је емигрантске комунистичке Хрвате у Канади за обуку герилских ратова и уметање у Југославију. Док Михаиловић, Бејли покушава да оркестрира убиство Михаиловић.
Британски тврде да они подржавају Титу јер је ефикаснији у борби против Немаца, али генерални командант Ајзенхауер оптужује Британију за кукавичлуку због одбијања борбе против Немаца и одгађања Дана Д на готово две године.
Титов је једини комунистички покрет отпора којег подржавају Британци. Он прима више материјалне помоћи од свих других покрета отпора у Европи у комбинацији. Много веће (сразмерно величини својих земаља) и ефикаснијим француским и италијанским комунистичким покрети не само да не добијају помоћ од Британаца, него су их супротстављали Британци.
Командант америчке морнарице поморских операција, адмирал Ернест Кинг зауставља све заједничке поморске операције са Британцима након што је британска саботажа највећи конвој за снабдевање (Цонвои ПК 17) у Русију.
Већина данашњих проблема у бившој Југославији и катализатор ратова деведесетих година могу директно утврдити како је Југославија изашла из Другог светског рата. Конкретније, проблем који су Срби (у Србији и Диаспори) суочени од Другог светског рата јест да је њихова историја лаж. Најневероватнија Лазића 20. века на основу дезинформације, полуистине, директних измишљотина и пропаганде, а израђивали су првенствено Британци, Ватикан и САД. Чак су и тзв. Ревизије, попут "комунистичке молбе британске интелигенције ингерирао Британце у подржавању Тита", само су још једна британска превара, стога лаж заснована на лажи.

Амерички државни службеник и истражитељ шпијуна Хладног рата Самуел Ј. Хамрик доказује ван икакве разумне сумње да, како нам "Бостон Глобе" говори у прегледу своје књиге "Преварити Варалице", Пилби и његови четворици сарадници који су били изложени 1967. за преношење тајних информација Совјетима, заиста су били несвесни алати у дезинформативној кампањи коју су поставили њихови надређени у британској обавештајној служби. "Другим речима, оно што су британци урадили није био излагати Пилби и компанију, него их користити као несвесних саучесника да преносе дезинформације Совјетима, па стога и наслов Хамрикове књиге" Заваравање Варалица ". Дакле, у стварности су, између осталог, британци опљачкали Совјете да верују да је Тито био легитимни вођа отпора уместо онога што је заиста био - алат британског. Као што је горе наведено, Молотов је желео да британска помоћ (коју су британци одбили) послати совјетску мисију Михаиловићу на прикупљање обавештајних података и спречити грађански рат између партизана и Четника. Совјети с Тито нису имали практично никакав контакт на најмање три године и били су јако сумњичави према британском ангажману с Титом. британци су контролисали Титу, а не Совјете.

Надаље, узмите случај Џејмса Клугман, човека којег су Британци поставили за југославенски стол у СОЕ Кајру. Клугман је према "теорији комунистичке молитве" фалсификовао интелигенцију која је излазила из Југославије како би подстакла партизанску слику и минимизирала ЧЕТНИЦКИМ доприносе. Да будем сигуран, Клугман је то учинио, али је ли то био кртица? Апсолутно не, Клугман је годинама пре рата био познати, чак и блистав комунистички у Енглеској.

"Клугман је био тврди језгровит комунист и стаљинист који су се 1933. године придружили Комунистичкој партији велике британије, а још увек на Кембриџу. Био је отворен и милитантни комунист који је написао" Историја комунистичке партије велике британије, од Тротског до Тита ".. . Клугман је био у средишту мреже дезинформације који је укључивао чланове Извршног одељења за специјалне операције, СОЕ Кајро, британску тајну обавештајну службу сервице, британска Бродкастинг Корпорејшон (ББЦ) и Езекутив Политикић Ратовање (ПВЕ).
Од чланка објављеног на Сербианна.ком, историчар Карл Савић

Клугманови надређени у британској обавештајној служби намерно су га ставили на ту позицију, рачунајући да ће учинити тачно оно што је учинио. Аналогија би била ставити црвенокриљу у кавез са кунићем и видети да ли је змија убила кунића. Наравно, змија је убила кунића, и наравно, Клугманов фалсификована интелигенција која је излазила из Југославије у Титовој наклоности. Улога Клугмансе била је завести Совјете да мењају своју подршку од Михаиловића до Тита. британски католици дошли су до истог закључка да би Тито био бољи за Католичку цркву него освету Православне Србије. Како су британски и амерички оперативци стационирани са Михаиловићевим снагама дошли из Југославије, снажно су протестовали фалсификовану интелигенцију која је припадницима Четничких напада на немачке снаге приписала партизанима. Ови су протести требали упозорити глуве, слепе и глупи британци да имају комунистичку кртицу, али нису зато што су британци већ знали да је Клугманн био њихов кртица.

"Конзервативан и горљиви католик, Гринлисз је молио сваку вече да ће Бог помоћи својим пријатељима да пронађу свој пут до истинске вере. Када је Клугман умро, Гринлисз је написао импресивно великодушно слова уреднику часописа Специјалне Снаге Клуб у којем је рекао ..." Препорукао сам га за наредника пре него што сам отишао у Југославију ради провизије ".
Од Вебу Дезинформације, Чурчилове Југославенска Груба Грешка, Давид Мартин

У британском министарству спољних послова увек је постојао снажан католички утицај. Иако су Срби ограничили свој напад на хрватску католичку цркву и промишљено избегавали све што би могло да значи критику Ватикана или католичке цркве на међународном нивоу, чини се да барем неки католици у Министарству спољних послова нису поштовали разлику. Уверени да је Михаиловић био анти-хрватско-католички фанатик, били су склони погледати његово кретање с тешком сумњом чак и пре него што су пронашли још један покрет којим би се придржавали њихове симпатије. Управо је ова сумња створила толико трења између страног канцеларија и југословенске владе.
Од Издати Савезник, Неценцурисана Прича Тито и Михаиловић, Давид Мартин.

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